Student Profile: Gwen Pacis
By: Rose Crame Photo Credit: Gwen Pacis Gwen Pacis is a junior majoring in both Psychology and MCS (Media and Communication Studies) at UMBC. Gwen's college career so far is a testament to...
Posted: December 12, 2023, 12:05 PM

Student Profile: Rose Crame
By: Amirah Adigun Photo Credit: Edwin Royales A Junior here at UMBC, with an expected graduation in Spring 2025, Rose Crame is an MCS Major with a Minor in Entrepreneurship. She is also a...
Posted: December 12, 2023, 11:55 AM

Alumni Spotlight: Meet Marisa Haas
Life after graduation as an MCS major
By: Sofia Brouse Photo Credit: [Photo taken at UMBC Career Fair headshot booth, photographer unknown] Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing MCS graduate Marisa Haas about what her life...
Posted: December 11, 2023, 1:13 PM

Alumni Spotlight: Rebecca Guy
Theory and Application in Everyday Life
Written by Dan Glenon Photo Credit: Justin Sweeney Rebecca Guy is an example of how the lessons from MCS have made her ready for anything that work life has thrown at her. Since her shift into...
Posted: December 11, 2023, 1:07 PM

Student Profile: Sydney Ashton
Life as an Honors MCS Student
By: Sofia Brouse Photo Credit: Sydney Ashton Recently I had the honor of asking current UMBC student and MCS major Sydney Ashton some questions about her experiences in college so far,...
Posted: November 30, 2023, 3:11 PM

Student Profile: Lindsey Gonzalez
A Look into the Life of an MCS Senior
By: Stephanie Marceron Photo Credit: Shanez Ramos Meet Lindsey Gonzalez! She is a MCS senior graduating in the spring semester of 2024. I met up with Lindsey to ask her a few questions about...
Posted: November 30, 2023, 1:47 PM

What Goes Around, Comes Around: Interviewing Dakota
Started as a student and ended as Staff, Dakota talks MCS
By: Rae Daniel I had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing my co-worker and former UMBC MCS student Dakota Boodhoo. While attending UMBC, Dakota was able to get an internship at a BCPL...
Posted: May 24, 2023, 5:15 PM

Graham Whaples, UMBC Alumni ‘19
By: Sophia Blackwell Photo Credit: Ashley Harper Cottrell Meet Graham Whaples, a UMBC Alumni, ‘19, MCS & American Studies, as he talks about his fond memories at UMBC as an Athletics...
Posted: May 24, 2023, 5:05 PM

Alumni Spotlight: Chloe Love Obispo, ‘22
By: Louna Temsah Photo Credit: Chloe Love Obispo Meet Chloe! A UMBC MCS and softball alumni. Chloe discusses new career opportunities and her current roles after graduation. Could you...
Posted: May 24, 2023, 4:59 PM

Alumni Spotlight: Ashton Greenwood, ‘17
Ashton talks marketing jobs and Diamond Comic Distributors
By: Spencer Derrenberger Photo Credit: William Greenwood Meet Ashton Greenwood, an MCS alum from the class of 2016. During her time at UMBC, she worked on UMBC’s Bartleby Creative Arts...
Posted: May 23, 2023, 6:04 PM

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