Career Paths


Read more about Media and Communication Studies Career Path

Scroll down to see what you can do to explore specific areas of interest!


Film and Television

Written by: Parker Vogel, ‘24



What brought me to MCS:

“When I first started at UMBC, it was near the start of the pandemic in the fall of 2020. I was a Mechanical Engineering major then, and by the time I was done with my first semester, I saw it wasn’t the right fit for me. I had dreamed of working for Disney as an Imagineer, so I guess I always knew I had a leaning towards the creative or production side of things, but it wasn’t until I started with Media and Communication Studies that I saw it for what it was worth. Taking the next semester off after that fall, I began binge-watching so much competitive reality television – Survivor, Big Brother, Rupaul’s Drag Race, The Circle, The Challenge, The Amazing Race, the list just goes on – and I realized slowly that the casting and production of these shows gave me joy to witness as a viewer and that I knew I wanted to be a part of it in some capacity. In my MCS journey, I’ve taken two classes about video production, one about podcasting, and my capstone project is all about horror films. I’ve taken a complete 180 degree turn from mechanical engineering to enjoying the prospect of film and television, and I want other MCS students to know how they can explore it through UMBC, too.”



If you are interested in the Film and Television sphere, I recommended that you try any of the following courses:

MCS 395 Television Production Techniques I

MCS 495 Video Ethnography

MCS 484 Media Production Fellows

GWST 322 Gender, Race, and Media

MCS 360 Internet Video Production

CSST 321 Queer Representation in Film and TV

MCS 370 Writing for Narrative Media


Clubs and Organizations

In addition, these clubs and organizations might be worth a visit:

Film Club

The Film Club is dedicated to exploring the art of film. Whether you’re a hardcore cinephile or just enjoy watching the latest blockbusters, our club provides a platform for members to share their passion for film. We’ll be organizing movie viewings, having discussions, providing workshops, running short film contests/festivals, and much more! Join us and discover new perspectives on the power of cinema.

Anime Society

The UMBC Anime Society shares opinions, advertises, and discusses the art and culture of anime.



Finally, take a look through the blogs on the MCS website to find out more about what our alumni are up to! Here is a link to Mike Washington’s blog, where he talks about his position with Maryland Public Television!


Social Media

Written By: Daniel Lee, ‘24



What brought me to MCS:

“Ever since the pandemic started, I’ve had a lot of time to think about all the little things I did to socialize, given how I couldn’t do any of that in-person at the time. Social media was already a rapidly growing service before the pandemic, but because everyone was forced inside, its necessity increased by a multitude. Every small detail all of a sudden mattered more. How the images were positioned, the timing of a post, how well they managed public opinions, etc. How you presented yourself on social media could be the life or death of your brand. You also have to be flexible in your skillset. You couldn’t solely rely on video editing or photography skills. You have to at least be knowledgeable in multiple fields if you want your social media page to thrive. The rise of influencers on TikTok and YouTube are the strongest examples of what people in their home, casually making content could achieve with social media. While I don’t have a strong desire to be an influencer, knowing how to manage your presence online is still fascinating and an important skill to learn to survive in today’s world.”



Here are some of the classes that helped me think more about social media:

MCS 355 Social Media: Networking and Mobility

MCS 360 Internet Video Production

MCS 366 Podcasting

MCS 377 Making Visual Culture

MCS 388 Modern Public Relations


Clubs and Organizations

On the subject of content creation for social media, these clubs/organizations may give you some insight.


A student-run, uncensored radio station that talks about all things UMBC. Keeping up w/ the community will help give you ideas for content.

K-pop Dance Club (KDC)

While not strictly about social media, being able to identify the little details that goes into a successful video will be a valuable, transferable skill.



Finally, take a look through the blogs on the MCS website to find out more about what our alumni are up to! Here is a link to Ajel Balan’s blog, where he talks about his past social media intern position with National STEM Honor Society!

Visual Arts

Written by: Anna Mishonova, ‘24



What brought me to MCS:

“I’ve been interested in visual arts since I was a child: my school notes always contained some kind of drawing, usually completely unrelated to the subject. However, I understood that my approach to my future career needed to be a bit more practical. That is why, initially, I chose journalism when I was starting my bachelor’s studies back in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Three years, a pandemic, and a full-scale Russian invasion later, I found myself in the US, trying to restore some semblance of normalcy and personal development. That is when the MCS department became a logical continuation of my education path. I was really drawn to the diversity of the program, specifically because I wanted to be prepared for anything in the future. Now, even though I plan to continue my education in the field of visual arts, I can also be a writer, editor, social media manager, and a journalist, all thanks to the wide range of courses MCS offers. In my opinion, the best part of it all is the fact that I can make anything I do look visually appealing!”



If you are also interested in Visual Arts sphere, here are some of the MCS electives I would recommend:

ART 210 Visual Concepts 1

MCS 480 Producing a Media Campaign

MCS 377 Making Visual Culture

ART 215 Introduction to Art and Media Studies

ART 360 Mixed Media Book Arts


Clubs and Organizations

UMBC has a lot of inspiring communities that can help you improve your skills and find new connections. Here are a few that focus on Visual Arts:

UMBC Design Club

Design community focusing on fostering skills, sharing ideas, and supporting anyone interested in design along the way!

Center for Art Design and Visual Culture

A forum for research, exhibition, publication, and public programming in the fields of art, design, and visual culture.



Finding a mentor or an inspiring figure can be a major success factor in your growth. You can take a look through the blogs on the MCS website to learn more about our graduates. This is who inspired me during my time at UMBC:

Emma Hagen (Muccioli) is not only an alum, but also a faculty member in the past and the current Assistant Director of Student Affairs and Creative Services at UMBC. She specializes in print and graphic design and has been an invaluable part of commonvision, the printing center on campus.

Photography, Journalism, & Media Creation

Written by: Jake Jackson, ‘24



What brought me to MCS:

“Throughout my college career I have studied many different subjects and because of my passion for photography and the ever-changing landscape of how media is shared and consumed, the MCS classes have always been a great fit for me. Today there is far more than just print media so it is very important for me to understand how to navigate all avenues I can use to produce and share my work. Since my desired career is one as a Photojournalist or working as a Photographer in Sports Media it is important to learn the techniques from the MCS elective classes. As a freelance photographer my job is producing and sharing media and the MCS program at UMBC has been a great way for me to learn and practice all the skills I will need by the time I graduate.”



Check out these great MCS classes and electives to help you progress your skills.

MCS 360 Internet Video Production

MCS 480 Producing a Media Campaign

ART 210 Visual Concepts 1

ART 211 Visual Concepts 2

MLL 406 History and Theory of Multicultural Media

ART 327 History and Theory of Photography


Clubs and Organizations

Check out these great clubs to build student connections in the field

Photography Club

Passionate about photography or love to take pictures? Come join us, we’d love to talk to you!

Film Club

The Film Club is dedicated to exploring the art of film. Whether you’re a hardcore cinephile or just enjoy watching the latest blockbusters, our club provides a platform for members to share their passion for film.



Finally, take a look through the blogs on the MCS website to find out more about what our alumni are up to! Here is a link to Graham Whaples’s blog, where he talks about his past position with the UMBC Sports Broadcasting team!

Human Resources

Written by: Matthew David Milo, ‘25



What brought me to MCS:

“I swapped majors to MCS in my penultimate semester as I looked at the careers in front of me and didn’t like what I saw. After a decade long battle with cancer, MCS showed me avenues to use my experiences navigating the health care system and connected them with the field of Human Resources, where I can make a real impact helping people. Both when learning at UMBC and venturing out into the world, the power of communication always comes in handy.”



The HR field has many ways in and many avenues to follow, some good electives in the field are:

MCS 404 Internship

MCS 388 Modern Public Relations

MCS 355 Social Media: Networking & Mobility

MCS 377 Making Visual Culture


Clubs & Organizations

Some great clubs at UMBC that showcase the HR skill set and community are:

UMBC Best Buddies

On a mission to create one-to-one friendships with individuals who have intellectual or developmental disabilities and to promote inclusivity, while spreading love and kindness throughout UMBC campus.

UMBC Unicef Chapter

A club focused on raising awareness on issues affecting not only children around the world, but also here at home through fundraisers and volunteer opportunities.



Finally, take a look through the blogs on the MCS website to find out more about what our alumni are up to! Go check out Stephanie Marceron’s blog, where she talks about her work as a Chanel boutique manager at Ulta Beauty.


Written by Anasia Mickle, ‘24



What brought me to MCS:

“I was graduating from Howard Community College in December of 2022 and I had no idea what I wanted to major in at a four-year institution once I graduated with an associates degree in general studies. I did know however, that I was very interested in humanities classes and while scrolling through the majors that UMBC offers, I saw that Media and Communication studies was very humanities based. I thought, I’ll think about this and come back to it. During this time, my mom introduced me to Emily in Paris and for those that do not know, Emily is an American marketing executive that is sent to help a company with their marketing in Paris. I just knew that Marketing was the way I wanted to go. I really desired being the person to bridge the gap between businesses and consumers to drive the growth of businesses overall. Once I realized that a degree in Media and Communications can provide a strong foundation for a career in marketing, I was sold. Throughout my time here at UMBC through internships, and just the core classes in general, I have decided that I want to be on a marketing team for a political campaign and eventually start my own marketing firm.”



Here are some great MCS classes to help you progress your skills in this field.

MCS 355 Social Media: Networking and Mobility

MCS 345 Virtual Ethnography and Digital Life

MCS 144 Professional Communications and Development

MCS 480 Producing a media campaign

MCS 370 Data and marketing


Clubs & Organizations

Entrepreneurs @ UMBC

UMBC Entrepreneurs is a student organization dedicated to creating an ecosystem of collaboration and entrepreneurial ventures. It’s a relaxed environment where students can do everything UMBC entrepreneurial; meet other ambitious and like-minded students, create real products and services and earn real money, or network with mentors and investors.



Finally, take a look through the blogs on the MCS website to find out more about what our alumni are up to! Here is a link to Chloe Love Obispo’s blog, where she talks about her venture through marketing at Live! Entertainment and Hospitality Districts.